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Parent Council

The Parent Council is a group of parents who have been selected in accordance with the Parent Council constitution to represent all the parents of children at our school. Parents of any child at Claypotts Castle Primary School can seek to be part of the Parent Council in line with arrangements set out in the constitution. All parents are deemed to be part of the wider Parent Forum. The Parent Council can co-opt other members as it sees fit.
The aims of the Parent Council are:
  • to work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all.
  • to promote partnership between the school, its pupils, parent forum and community.
  • to develop and engage in activities, including fundraising, which support the education and well being of the pupils.
  • to identify and represent the views of the parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the children’s welfare but not on an individual basis.
Our Parent Council meets at least approximately once each term and meetings are open to all parents. The Parent Council is always looking for new members who would like to play a fuller role in the life and work of the school. The school highly values the contribution the Parent Council makes to the supporting our pupils and the life and work of the school.
The current chair person is Lynne Rihoy.